Wood Based panels FSC® and PEFC™ Labels Knowledges

FSC Labels
FSC labels can be found on many products – from tissue paper to your cabinets, to that milk carton in your fridge, and plywood panels. By choosing plywood with FSC labels, you are helping to take care of the world’s forests. There are three types of FSC plywood.

100% FSC Label

  1. FSC 100% Plywood
    FSC 100% label means that the 100% wood within the product comes from FSC-certified & managed forests.
  2. FSC Recycled Plywood
    The FSC Recycled label means all the wood or paper in the product comes from reclaimed or re-used material. This is rare for plywood, common for particle board and chipboard.
  3. FSC Mix Plywood
    The FSC Mix label means the wood within plywood is from FSC-certified forests, recycled material, or controlled wood. While not FSC-certified, controlled wood cannot be:

illegally harvested
harvested in violation of traditional and civil rights
harvested in forests where high conservation values are threatened
harvested in forests being converted to plantations or non-forest use
harvested in forests where genetically modified trees are planted
FSC Chain of Custody Certification (CoC)
FSC Labelled Plywood
FSC Labelled Wood
As the original pioneers of forest certification, FSC has 25 years of experience in sustainable forest management. They use their expertise to promote the responsible management of the world’s forests and woods.

FSC chain of custody certification provides credible assurance for plywood with environmentally and socially responsible sources to access the market. FSC chain of custody certification verifies that FSC-certified plywood or veneers have been identified and separated from non-certified and non-controlled material as it makes its way along the supply chain, from the forest to the final products.

FSC Plywood Composition
FSC-certified plywood may carry a different composition, including FSC-certified forest material (FSC 100%), controlled wood and reclaimed material, the latter being introduced in recognition of the important role that reclaimed material plays in protecting the world’s forests.

Controlled wood is material from acceptable sources that can be mixed with FSC-certified material in products that carry the ‘FSC Mix’ label. The controlled wood requirements identify five categories of unacceptable sources, which cannot be mixed with FSC-certified material.

FSC PEFC Plywood
Forest Management Schemes
FSC® and PEFC™ are the best-known forest management schemes that have contributed significantly to the growth of commercial forestry in recent years. Using the chain of custody process, both schemes enable plywood to be traced back (through each stage of distribution, storage and manufacture) to the certified forestry source from which they are made. The FSC and PEFC logos are used on the packaging. Learn about EUTR regulation.

Does FSC certification mean that all products by the company selling the product are FSC-certified?
Only products that use FSC-certified materials can carry the FSC on-product label. So, just because one product carries it, does not mean all products from the a company are made from responsibly sourced materials.

What is the main plywood veneer species harvested in China?
Poplar and Eucalyptus are the major two wood species used for plywood veneer manufacturing in China. You can buy 100% FSC poplar plywood and 100% FSC eucalyptus plywood from China.

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