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Uncover the secret of aldehyde free environmental protection – MDI glue!

Guide: With the concept of environmental protection becoming more and more popular in life, the environmental protection and health of home building materials have become the primary factor for more and more people to consider in decoration. So, what are the advantages of MDI adhesive?

MDI adhesive, the full name of MDI is isoester adhesive, referred to as MDI adhesive, is a dark red brown liquid product, which is suitable for the manufacture of high-performance wood-based panels. MDI adhesive is superior to all traditional wood adhesives. It has short hot pressing time, excellent water and weather resistance, low amount of adhesive, plastic strength and excellent processing performance, especially in heat insulation, sound insulation, wear resistance, oil resistance, elasticity and other aspects that other synthetic materials cannot match. It has very stable chemical properties, is not easy to volatilize and deteriorate, and has strong stability. MDI glue seems to be the “new face” of the building materials industry, but it has actually been widely used in high-accuracy and cutting-edge fields, such as national defense, biochemistry, aerospace, light industry, chemical industry, petroleum, textile, transportation, automobile, medical and other aspects. For example, the shell of submarines, important parts of aerospace equipment, Lycra fiber, and even drug carriers implanted into the human body are all covered with MDI glue. It is worth mentioning that the MDI ecological adhesive is used to make boards, which not only solves the over development of forest resources, but also is very conducive to people’s home health because of its superior environmental protection, and is the “super” environmental protection raw material of environmental protection and health furniture. Real environmental protection and safety: The synthetic materials of MDI include aniline, etc., but as a stable compound, the MDI itself is relatively safe. When MDI ecological adhesive is used as a board adhesive, it is no longer a MDI monomer. It will react with straw fiber to form a polymer form called polyurea (similar to plastic). This polymer structure has no volatility. Therefore, the environmental protection board made by MDI not only has zero formaldehyde release from the substrate, but also has zero benzene and TVOC release, causing zero harm to human health. Strong technical support: It can be said that MDI glue cuts off the generation of formaldehyde from the source of technology. Because MDI glue has such superior characteristics, if you choose such boards for customized furniture of the whole house, you can make harmful substances such as formaldehyde not harm the indoor air quality, and let consumers avoid the worry of formaldehyde.

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