Testing of wood-based panels 人造板检测-南京林业大学木材及其制品测试中心

Testing of wood-based panels


Testing of wood-based panels 人造板类产品检测范围及标准:
Testing range and standard for wood-based panels products: 分类 Classification 产品名称 Product Name 检测标准 Test standard
人造板及其他 Wood-based panels and others 人造板及其制品 Wood-based panels and their products 人造板及饰面人造板理化性能试验方法GB/T 17657-2013 Test methods of evaluating the properties of wood-based panes and surface decorated wood-based panels GB/T 17657-2013 人造板含水率的测试EN 322:1993 Determination of moisture content EN 322:1993 EN 322:1993 人造板密度的测试 EN 323:1993 Determination of density EN 323:1993 EN 323:1993 人造板静曲强度和弹性模量检测 EN 310:1993 Determination of Modulus of elasticity in bending and of bending strength EN 310:1993 胶合板胶合质量的测试 EN 314:2004 Bonding quality test methods and requirement EN 314:2004 内结合强度的测试 EN 319:1993 Determination of Tensile strength perpendicular to the plane of the boardEN319:1993 EN 319:1993 室内装饰装修材料人造板及其制品中甲醛释放限量 GB 18580-2001(仅限特定产品标准引用) Indoor decorating and refurbishing materialsLimit of formaldehyde emission of wood-based panels and finishing products GB 18580-2001 室内装饰装修材料人造板及其制品中甲醛释放限量 GB 18580-2017 Indoor decorating and refurbishing materialsLimit of formaldehyde emission of wood-based panels and finishing products GB 18580-2017 环境标志产品技术要求 人造板及其制品 HJ 571-2010 The certifiable technical requirement for environmental labeling products wood based and finishing products HJ 571-2010 甲醛释放量的测试 EN 717-1:2005 Formaldehyde release by the chamber method EN 717-1:2005 人造板及其制品甲醛释放量的测试 第 3 部分:气体分析法 BS EN ISO 12460-3: 2020 Wood-based panels — Determination of formaldehyde release — Part 3: Gas analysis method BS EN ISO 12460-3: 2020 人造板甲醛含量的测试方法 EN 120:1992 Formaldehyde release by the perforator method EN 120:1992 人造板甲醛含量的测试方法 EN ISO 12460-5:2015 Formaldehyde release by the perforator method EN ISO 12460- 5:2015 干燥器法测木制品甲醛释放量 ASTM D5582-14 Standard Test Method for Determining Formaldehyde Levels from Wood ProductsUsing a Desiccator ASTM D5582-14 用小型室测定空气中来自木制品的甲醛浓度的标准试验方法 ASTM D6007-14 Standard Test Method for Determining Formaldehyde Concentration in Air from Wood Products Using a Small Scale ChamberASTM D6007-2008 ASTM D6007-14 建筑板材甲醛散发量-干燥器法 JIS A1460-2021 Building boards Determination of formaldehyde emission — Desicator methodJIS A1460-2001 JIS A1460-2021 用大气候箱测定空气中来自木制品的甲醛浓度的标准试验方法 ASTM E1333-14 Standard Test Method for Determining Formaldehyde Concentrations in Air and Emission Rates from Wood Products Using a Large Chamber ASTM E1333-14 人造板及其制品中甲醛释放量测定-气体分析法 GB/T 23825-2009人造板甲醛释放限量T/CNFPIA 1001-2019 Limit of formaldehyde emission of wood-based panels T/CNFPIA 1001-2019 环境产品-人造板及其制品 environmental products-Wood-based panels and their products 环境标志产品技术要求人造板及其制品 HJ 571-2010 The certifiable technical requirement for environmental labeling products wood based and finishing products HJ 571-2010 细木工板 Blockboard 细木工板 GB/T 5849-2016 Blockboard GB/T 5849-2016 木质平托盘用人造板 Wood-based panel for wooden flat pallet 木质平托盘用人造板 GB/T 23898-2009 Wood-based panel for wooden flat pallet GB/T 23898-2009 建筑用人造板 Wood-based panels for use in construction 建筑用人造板性能、合格评定和标志 EN 13986-2015 Wood-based panels for use in construction – Characteristics, evaluation of conformity and marking EN 13986-2015 HPL 热固性树脂浸渍纸高压装饰层积板 Decorative high-pressure laminates (HPL)-sheets based on thermosetting resins 热固性树脂浸渍纸高压装饰层积板GB/T 7911-2013 Decorative high-pressure laminates(HPL)-sheets based on thermosetting resins GB/T 7911-2013
胶合板 Plywood 普通胶合板 Plywood 普通胶合板 GB/T 9846-2015 Plywood for general use GB/T 9846-2015 胶合板的日本农林标准 JAS 475-2019 Plywood JAS 475-2019 实木复合地板用胶合板 Plywood for solid wood composite flooring 实木复合地板用胶合板 LY/T 1738-2020 Plywood for solid wood composite flooring LY/T 1738-2020 木结构覆板用胶合板 Sheathing plywood for timber structures 木结构覆板用胶合板 GB/T 22349-2008 Sheathing plywood for timber structures GB/T 22349-2008 成型胶合板 Moulding plywood 成型胶合板 GB/T 22350-2008 Moulding plywood GB/T 22350-2008 组合式包装箱用胶合板 Plywood for foldable packing cases 组合式包装箱用胶合板 GB/T 24311-2009 Plywood for foldable packing cases GB/T 24311-2009 集装箱底板用胶合板 Plywood for container flooring 集装箱底板用胶合板 GB/T 19536-2015 Plywood for container flooring GB/T 19536-2015 非甲醛类热塑性树脂胶合板 Non-formaldehyde thermoplastic resin plywood 非甲醛类热塑性树脂胶合板 LY/T 1860-2009 Non-formaldehyde thermoplastic resin plywood LY/T 1860-2009 竹编胶合板 Bamboo-mat plywood 竹编胶合板 GB/T 13123-2003 Bamboo-mat plywood GB/T 13123-2003 汽车车厢底板用竹材胶合板 Plybamboo for bottom boards of trucks and buses 汽车车厢底板用竹材胶合板 LY/T 1055-2002 Strip Plybamboo for bottom boards of trucks and buses LY/T 1055-2002 汽车车厢底板用竹篾胶合板 Strip Plybamboo for bottom boards of trucks and buses 汽车车厢底板用竹篾胶合板 LY/T 1575-2000 Strip Plybamboo for bottom boards of trucks and buses LY/T 1575-2000 铁路客车用胶合板 Plywood for railway passenger coach 铁路客车用胶合板 LY/T 1364-2006 Plywood for railway passenger coach LY/T 1364-2006 混凝土模板用胶合板 Plywood for concrete form 混凝土模板用胶合板 GB/T 17656-2018 Plywood for concrete form GB/T 17656-2018 混凝土模板用竹材胶合板 Plybamboo for concrete form 混凝土模板用竹材胶合板 LY/T 1574-2000 Plybamboo for concrete -form LY/T 1574-2000 竹胶合板模板 Plybamboo form 竹胶合板模板 JG/T 156-2004 Plybamboo form JG/T 156-2004 刨花板 Particle board 刨花板 Particle board 刨花板 GB/T 4897-2015 Particle board GB/T 4897-2015 刨花板 EN 312: 2010 Particle board EN 312: 2010 2020-11-23 刨花板 JIS A 5908-2015 Particle board JIS A 5908-2015 麦(稻)秸秆刨花板 Wheat/rice-straw particleboard 麦(稻)秸秆刨花板 GB/T 21723-2021 Wheat/rice-straw particleboard GB/T 21723-2021 定向刨花板 Oriented strand board 定向刨花板 LY/T 1580-2010 Oriented strand board LY/T 1580-2010 水泥刨花板 Cement bonded particleboard 水泥刨花板 GB/T 24312-2009 Cement bonded particleboard GB/T 24312-2009 挤压法空心刨花板 Extruded tubular particleboard 挤压法空心刨花板 LY/T 1856-2009 Extruded tubular particleboard LY/T 1856-2009 纤维板 Fiberboard 中密度纤维板 Medium density fibreboard 中密度纤维板 GB/T 11718-2021 Medium density fibreboard GB/T 11718-2021 中密度纤维板 EN 622: 2010 Medium density fiberboard EN 622: 2010 纤维板 Fiberboard 纤维板 JIS A 5905-2014 Fiberboard JIS A 5905-2014 地板基材用纤维板 Fiberboard for flooring 地板基材用纤维板 LY/T 1611-2011 Fiberboard for flooring LY/T 1611-2011 饰面人造板 Decorated wood-based panel 浸渍胶膜纸饰面纤维板和刨花板 Surface decorated wood-based panels with paper impregnated thermosetting resins 浸渍胶膜纸饰面纤维板和刨花板 GB/T 15102-2017 Surface decorated wood-based panels with paper impregnated thermosetting resins GB/T 15102-2017 浸渍胶膜纸饰面胶合板和细木工板 Surface decorated plywood and blockboard with paper impregnated thermosetting resins 浸渍胶膜纸饰面胶合板和细木工板 GB/T 34722-2017 Surface decorated plywood and blockboard with paper impregnated thermosetting resins GB/T 34722-2017 浸渍胶膜纸饰面秸秆板 Surface decorated strawboard with paper impregnated thermosetting resin 浸渍胶膜纸饰面秸秆板 GB/T 23472-2009 Surface decorated strawboard with paper impregnated thermosetting resin GB/T 23472-2009 装饰单板饰面人造板 Decorative veneered wood-based panel 装饰单板饰面人造板 GB/T 15104-2021 Decorative veneered wood-based panel GB/T 15104-2021 聚氯乙烯薄膜饰面人造板 Decorative wood-based panel with polyvinyl chloride film 聚氯乙烯薄膜饰面人造板 LY/T 1279-2008 Decorative wood-based panel with polyvinyl chloride film LY/T 1279-2008 重组装饰单板 Reconstituted decorative veneer 重组装饰单板 GB/T 28999-2012 Reconstituted decorative veneer GB/T 28999-2012 重组装饰材 Reconstituted decorative lumber 重组装饰材 GB/T 28998-2012 Reconstituted decorative lumber GB/T 28998-2012 软木饰面板 Decorated cork board 软木饰面板 LY/T 1857-2009 Decorated cork board LY/T 1857-2009 集成材 Laminate lumber 集成材 Laminate lumber 集成材 JAS 475-2019 Laminated lumber for structure JAS 475-2019 单板层积材 Laminated veneer lumber 单板层积材 GB/T 20241-2021 Laminated veneer lumber GB/T 20241-2021 单板层积材 JAS 0701-2020 Laminated veneer lumber JAS 0701-2020 集成材 非结构用 Glued-laminated timb er-Non-structural 集成材 非结构用 LY/T 1787-2016 Glued-laminated timber-Non-structural LY/T 1787-2016 其他 Others 人造板饰面专用纸 Special paper for wood-based panels 人造板饰面专用纸 GB/T 28995-2012  Special paper for wood-based panels decoration GB/T 28995- 2012

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