SOLID FLOOR Flooring inspectors,inspection checklist,Manufacturers and suppliers sourcing

Solid Floors may be on the decline since the arrival of underfloor heating and the increase of engineered floors but there are still some things you can only get from real timber. As you would expect from the name, solid wood is real timber throughout the board with no plywood or any other backing. A solid floor is completely unrivalled when it comes to that warm feeling underfoot. And is still available in numerous timbers. Going forward, you can sand and re varnish your solid floor which will restore it to its original colour and because your floor is solid throughout you will have an unending amount of sandings in your floor. Solid floors should be either glued down or the more traditional nail down. When being fitted and don’t forget to allow your floor time to acclimatise in your home.

The cleaning and maintenance of our solid flooring is similar to all wood flooring. A sweep of a brush is all it should take to remove light dirt from your floor. For mopping, it is important you use a damp mop rather than a wet mop. If your floor is too wet, over time it may cause issues from water penetrating the joints. Our Clean Green Cleaner is what we recommend for use on all our floors along with our Dada Spin Mop (both of which are available by clicking the relevant links).

Solid Maple.

19mm thick.

mm Wide.

Unfinished flooring.

Installation method: nail down/ glue down.

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It’s the first day here at The International Surface Event (TISE) : SURFACES | StonExpo | Tile Expo in Las Vegas!
We are excited to meet you all and for the opportunity to introduce our flooring inspection technologies and sourcing service . Come and meet us , and we’ll tell you more!

It’s the first day here at The International Surface Event (TISE) : SURFACES | StonExpo …

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