Breaking News
- According to the random inspection results of the quality supervision of wood-based panel products in February 2023, a batch of wood-based panel products produced or sold by one Shandong plywood wood company. were unqualified, and the unqualified items were transverse static bending strength and dip stripping.
- Quality Inspection Report on Birch Plywood with Vietnamese Eucalyptus, Acacia, and Rubberwood Core Veneers
- Quality Inspection Report on Film Faced Plywood with Pine Veneer as Core Material
- Common Processing Defects in Birch Plywood and UV Prefinished Birch Plywood in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Vietnam, and Quality Differences Compared to Chinese Poplar Core Birch Plywood
- Common Processing Defects in Film Faced Plywood from Indonesia, Malaysia, and Vietnam, and Quality Differences Compared to Chinese Poplar Core Film Faced Plywood
- Common Processing Defects and Quality Differences Between Film Faced Plywood with Pine Core and Poplar Core
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High or low moisture in floor planks are major factors that can ruin a wood floor. Even the most bea…
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