Breaking News
- According to the random inspection results of the quality supervision of wood-based panel products in February 2023, a batch of wood-based panel products produced or sold by one Shandong plywood wood company. were unqualified, and the unqualified items were transverse static bending strength and dip stripping.
- Quality Inspection Report on Birch Plywood with Vietnamese Eucalyptus, Acacia, and Rubberwood Core Veneers
- Quality Inspection Report on Film Faced Plywood with Pine Veneer as Core Material
- Common Processing Defects in Birch Plywood and UV Prefinished Birch Plywood in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Vietnam, and Quality Differences Compared to Chinese Poplar Core Birch Plywood
- Common Processing Defects in Film Faced Plywood from Indonesia, Malaysia, and Vietnam, and Quality Differences Compared to Chinese Poplar Core Film Faced Plywood
- Common Processing Defects and Quality Differences Between Film Faced Plywood with Pine Core and Poplar Core
Media Page
Requirement Estonian Plywood (part of the Lemeks/Tarmeko group) is a leading manufacturer of uncoate…
How Much Weight Can Plywood Hold? Plywood Strength Chart, Load Calculator The first question that co…
Plywood Performance Testing Requirements…
Guidelines Official Guidelines Find Your StandardList of Individual StandardsUpdates: Standards &…
(BS) EN 636:2012+A1:2015 Plywood – Specification This gives the requirements for plywood for general…
Many exporters and manufacturers can’t distinguish or understand the specific quality requirem…
Many plywood exporters and producers can’t distinguish or understand the specific quality requ…
Our two QC of WOOD SAUNA in charge of the Chinese market have returned to work in Xuzhou and Guangzh…
Our KITCHEN CABINET QC in charge of the Vietnamese market has returned to Ho Chi Minh, and the quali…
Improve quality and decrease wood inspection costs with advanced machine visionInspecting wood and w…