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List of Individual Standards Relevant to Wood-based Panels

List of Individual Standards Relevant to Wood-based Panels

The UK and EU follow the same principles for the standards listed below. For ease of use we have combined the titles. For the UK, the titles simply have โ€˜BSโ€™ for (British Standard) added.

When a standard has been reviewed and updated, that date is integrated into the standard title. When a standard is reviewed with no change, there is no change to the standard title. We indicate the date of confirming in brackets.

Standard No Product Type and Official Definition
(BS) EN 120:1992 (2002)Wood-based panels โ€“ Determination of formaldehyde content โ€“ Extraction method called the perforator method
(BS) EN 300: 2006 (2019)Oriented Strand Boards (OSB) โ€“ Definitions classification and specifications
(BS) EN 310: 1993 (2002)Wood-based panels โ€“ Determination of modulus of elasticity in bending and of bending strength
(BS) EN 313-1:1996 (2020)Plywood classification
(BS) EN 313-2:2002 (2020)Plywood terminology
(BS) EN 314-1:2004 (2020)Plywood โ€“ Bond quality โ€“ Test methods
(BS) EN 314-2:1993 (2019)Plywood โ€“ Bond quality โ€“ Requirements
(BS) EN 315:2000 (2020)Plywood โ€“ Tolerances for dimensions
(BS) EN 317:1993 (2002)Particleboards and fibreboards โ€“ determination of swelling in thickness after immersion in water
(BS) EN 318:2002Wood-based panels โ€“ Determination of dimensional changes associated with changes in relative humidity
(BS) EN 319:1993 (2020)Particleboards and fibreboards โ€“ Determination of tensile strength perpendicular to the plane of the board
(BS) EN 321:2002 (2020)Wood-based panels โ€“ Determination of moisture resistance under cyclic test conditions
(BS) EN 322:1993 (2002)Wood-based panels โ€“ Determination of moisture content
(BS) EN 323:1993 (2002)Wood-based panels โ€“ Determination of density
(BS) EN 324-1:1993 (2002)Wood-based panels โ€“ Determination of dimension of boards Determination of thickness, width and length
(BS) EN 324-2:1993 (2002)Determination of squareness and edge straightness
(BS) EN 325:2012 (2018)Wood-based panels โ€“ Determination of dimensions of test pieces
(BS) EN 326-1:1994 (2002)Wood-based panels โ€“ Sampling and cutting of test pieces and inspection
(BS) EN 326-2:2010+A1:2014Initial type testing and factory production control
(BS) EN 326-32003 (2019)Inspection of an isolated lot of panels
(BS) EN 335:2013 (2018)Durability of wood and wood-based products โ€“ Definitions of use classes
(BS) EN 350:2016Durability of wood and wood-based products โ€“ Testing and classification of the durability to biological agents of wood and wood-based materials
(BS) EN 354: 2003Measurement of sound absorption in a reverberation room
BS EN 383:2007Timber Structures โ€“ Test methods โ€“ Determination of embedment strength and foundation values for dowel type fasteners
(BS) EN 408:2010+A1 2012Timber structures โ€“ Structural timber and glued laminated timber โ€“ Determination of some physical and mechanical properties
 (BS) EN 594:2011 Timber structures โ€“ Test methods โ€“ Racking strength and stiffness of timber framed wall panels
(BS) EN 596:1995Timber structures โ€“ Test methods โ€“ Soft body impact test of timber framed walls
(BS) EN 635-1:1995 (2002)Plywood โ€“ Classification by surface appearance โ€“ General
(BS) EN 635-3:1995 (2020)Softwoods
(BS) EN 635-5:1999 (2020)Methods for measuring and expressing characteristics and defects
(BS) EN 636:2012+A1:2015Plywood โ€“ Specification
(BS) EN 717-1:2004 (2020)Determination of formaldehyde release โ€“ by the chamber method
(BS) EN 717-2:1995 (2002)Determination of formaldehyde release โ€“ by the gas analysis method
(BS) EN 789:2004 (2021)Timber structures โ€“ Test methods โ€“ Determination of mechanical properties of wood-based panels
(BS) EN 1058:2009Wood-based panels โ€“ Determination of characteristic 5 percentile values and characteristic mean values
(BS) EN 1072:1995 (2002)Plywood โ€“ Description of bending properties for structural plywood [Withdrawn in June 2012, however, will still be referenced in other standards until they are reviewed]
(BS) EN 1084:1995 (2002)Plywood โ€“ Formaldehyde release classes determined by the gas analysis method [Withdrawn in June 2012, however, will still be referenced in other standards until they are reviewed]
(BS) EN 1087-1: 1995 (2002)Particleboards โ€“ Determination of moisture resistance โ€“ Boil test
(BS) EN 1156:2013 (2019)Wood-based panels โ€“ Determination of duration of load and creep factors
(BS) EN 1195:1998Timber structures โ€“ Test methods โ€“ Performance of structural floor decking
(BS) EN 12114 : 2000Thermal performance of buildings
(BS) EN 1438:1998Symbols for timber and wood-based products
EuroCode 5 (BS) EN 1995-1-1: 2004 +A2: 2014EN 1995-1-1: 2004 +A2: 2014 Eurocode 5: Design of timber structures โ€“ General โ€“ Common rules and rules for building
(BS) EN 12369-1:2001Wood-based panels โ€“ Characteristic values for structural design OSB, particleboard and fibreboards
(BS) EN 12369-2:2011Plywood
(BS) EN ISO 12572:2016Hygrothermal performance of building materials and products.
(BS) EN 12664: 2001Thermal performance of building materials and products
(BS) EN 12871: 2013Wood-based panels โ€“ Determination of performance characteristics for load bearing panels for use in floors, walls and roofs
(BS) EN 13501-1:2018Fire classification of construction products and building elements Classification using test data from reaction to fire tests +A1: 2009
(BS) EN 13986:2004+A1:2015Wood-based panels for use in construction โ€“ Characteristics, evaluation of conformity and marking
(BS) EN 14272:2011 (2018)Plywood โ€“ Calculation method for some mechanical properties
(BS) EN 14279:2004+A1:2009Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) โ€“ Definitions, classification and specifications
(BS) EN 14374:2004Timber structures โ€“ Structural laminated veneer lumber โ€“ Requirements
(BS) EN 15804:2012+A2:2019Sustainability of construction works โ€“ Environmental product declarations โ€“ Core rules for the product category of construction products
(BS) EN 16733:2016Reaction to fire tests for building products โ€“ Determination of a building productโ€™s propensity to undergo continuous smouldering
(BS) EN ISO 12460-3 (2020)Wood-based panels โ€“ Determination of formaldehyde release โ€“ Gas analysis method
EN ISO 12460-5:2015 (2021)Wood-based panels โ€“ Determination of formaldehyde release โ€“ Extraction method (called the perforator method)
PD CEN/TR 12872:2014 Wood-based panels โ€“ Guidance on the use of load-bearing boards in floors, walls and roofs
PD CEN/TR 14823:2003Durability of wood-based products. Quantitative determination of pentachlorophenol in wood. Gas chromatography
DD CEN/TS1099:2007 (2010) Plywood โ€“ Biological durability โ€“ Guidance for the assessment of plywood for use in different use classes.

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