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How to buy solid wood flooring in China,Cambodia,Vietnam?inspections,inspectors,sourcing,factory auditing

How to buy solid wood flooring?

  1. Select the quality of the board and paint surface; When purchasing painted flooring, it is also important to observe whether the paint film on the surface of the painted board is uniform, full, smooth, without paint leaks, bubbles, holes, pits, etc. When choosing to paint the floor, the thickness of the paint should be moderate. If the surface paint is too thin, the wear resistance of the floor will be poor. If the paint film is too thick, the adhesion will decrease.
  2. Choose small and medium-sized boards; The living room and bedroom are designed with horizontal stripes, as well as horizontal striped partitions and horizontal striped blinds, all of which use horizontal stripes as a means to increase visual space. Using bamboo curtains, blinds, and other materials to make horizontal soft partitions is a good partition and decoration in a semi concealed state.
  3. Measure the moisture content of the floor; The national standard stipulates that the moisture content of wooden flooring is 8% to 13%. In fact, China has a vast territory and different regions have different requirements for moisture content. Distributors of general wooden flooring should have a moisture content tester. If not, it indicates that they do not attach importance to the technical indicator of moisture content.
  4. Observe the accuracy of the wooden floor; Simple inspection of machining precision refers to randomly selecting 8 to 10 floors on site and placing them on a flat surface for assembly. Use your hand to touch and observe whether the machining quality, precision, and smoothness are flat, whether the boards fit tightly, and whether there is a significant height difference.
  5. Check for defects in the substrate; First, check whether the same tree species, whether they are mixed, and whether the floor has defects such as dead knots, live knots, cracks, decay, and bacterial transformation. As for the color difference of the floor, as the wooden floor is a natural wooden product, there are objectively phenomena of color difference and uneven patterns, which cannot be avoided.

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