Technical Parameters of Laminated Veneer Lumber LVL ,LVL inspector,sourcing specialist ,inspection checklist ,quality assurance,quality control ,manufacturing consultant
Note: For the production of special batches of LVL with high grade veneer layers (according to the specification), design strength values can be increased by 15 – 20%. ConditionRelative to the GrainRbRsRXIbendingedgewise along the grain392726,519,523,5bendingflatwise along the grain4535,527,52422,5compressionedgewise along the grain3025,523,519,522compressionacross the grain54,33,56,83,8compressionperpendicular to the plane of veneer sheets51,91,71,91,7tensionedgewise along the grain2526,522,517,516,5tensionacross the grain––0,7––shear along the glue lineedgewise along the …
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