GB/T17657-2013 Test Method for Physical and Chemical Properties of Wood-based Panels and Decorative Wood-based Panels: Determination of Peel Resistance

GB/T17657-2013 Test Method for Physical and Chemical Properties of Wood-based Panels and Decorative Wood-based Panels: Determination of Peel Resistance

20 Determination of peel resistance

20.1 Principle

Determine the force required to peel off the surface layer. This method is applicable to PVC film veneer artificial board.

20.2 Instruments

Universal mechanical testing machine, with a load range of 0 N-500 N. The measurement accuracy is 1% of the load value.

20.3 Test pieces

20.3.1 Specimen size

Length l=(100 ± 1) mm. Width b=(25 ± 1) rnm

According to Figure 25, a groove is made at a distance of 10 mm from one end of the test piece. The groove is deep enough to bond with the PV film.

Unit in millimeters


1- Slot (width 1 mm to 3 mm):

2- Artificial board substrate;

3- PVC film

Figure 25 Diagram of Peel Resistance Test Piece

20.3.2 Specimen balance treatment

Artificial board constant temperature and humidity box. png

If necessary, place the test piece in an environment with a temperature of (20 ± 2) ° C and a relative humidity of (65 ± 5)% until its mass remains constant. The difference between the two weighing results after a 24 hour interval shall not exceed 0.1% of the mass of the test piece, which is considered to be a constant mass.

20.4 Method

As shown in Figure 26, reverse the PVC film by 180 °, peel off a certain length, and clamp it in the testing machine fixture. Stretch the test piece at a loading speed of less than 588 N/min at both ends. Measure the maximum load of the PVC film and substrate adhesion, accurate to 1 N.

20.5 Expression of Results

20.5.1 The peel resistance of the test piece is the maximum tensile force of the PVC film and substrate bonding, accurate to 1 N.

20.5.2 The arithmetic mean value of peel resistance of all test pieces in the same plate shall be accurate to 1 N.

Unit in millimeters

Description: 1- Clamp;

2- Artificial board substrate;

3- PVC film;

4- Test block with approximately twice the thickness of the substrate

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