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Furniture drawer Inspection Checklist, Quality Control, Audit in China & Asia

The decision to renovate involves making several choices about what you want your kitchen to look like, and what kind of functionality you want it to have. Among those choices, cabinet drawers certainly shouldnโ€™t be lost in the mix. Picking the right cabinet drawers can add a unique highlight to your space.

Letโ€™s make sure you pick out the right drawer style for your kitchen.

There are three main styles of drawers to choose from: raised panel drawers, inset panel drawers, and solid panel drawers. Each type is suited for different spaces and environments, giving you plenty of options for whatever direction you decide to take your kitchen remodel in.

Raised Panel Drawers
One of the more expensive styles, these cabinet drawers pair great with the same type of cabinet door, giving your room a timeless, traditional feel. The middle panel is raised, creating a groove that defines each drawer panel and creates highlights, bringing depth to the cabinetry. Since it is an expensive sty

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