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Red Oak Plywood Size: 4′ x 8′ Thickness: 1/8″, 1/4″, 1/2″ & 3/4″ UV prefinished,inspection checklist,inspectors,graders,testing,sourcing,factory auditing

Red Oak Plywood comes in 4′ x 8′ sheets available in 1/8 inch, 1/4 inch 1/2 inch and 3/4 inch thickness. Red Oak has a light to medium reddish-brown color, though there can be a fair amount of variation in color. Red Oak Plywood Stock FaceBackingCoreSides1/8 inA3Veneer11/4 inA2Veneer21/2 inB2Veneer23/4 inB2Veneer23/4 inA1Pro Core2

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Baltic Birch Prefinished Plywood Sheets Size: 5′ x 5′ & 4′ x 8′ Thickness: 1/4″ & 1/2″ Grades: B/BB & BB/BB,inspection checklist,inspectors,graders,testing,sourcing,factory auditing

Baltic Birch Prefinished Plywood Sheets are not a specific species of birch, but is a general designation of plywood from Russia and nearby Baltic states (such as Finland). As with any natural wood product, quality can be variable. However, Baltic Birch plywood is generally regarded as being of higher quality than standard birch plywood. In a nutshell, Baltic Birch Prefinished Plywood Sheets …

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