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Fire retardant plywood,inspection,testing,souring,factory auditing

This special plywood is manufactured for its special ability to be safe from fire. It provides fire safety for people and their property at home, at work and even in transportation.

Very important features of fire-retardant plywood are:

  1. Flame resistance
  2. Moderate smoke formation
  3. Non-Toxicity
  4. Explosion safety
  5. Non-spreading fire


  • 1525 mm x 1525 mm 
  • 1830 mm x 1525 mm 
  • 2950 mm x 1525 mm 


  • 10 mm
  • 15 mm
  • 20 mm
  • 25 mm

Based on the level of fireproofing, the quantity and recipe of chemicals are decided. Then the birch veneer is impregnated with these special chemicals to make it fire retardant plywood.

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