Book Matching

DescriptionVisual Effect
Alternating pieces of veneer from a flitch are turned over, so that adjacent leaves are “opened” as two pages in a book.Veneer joints match, creating a symmetrical pattern. Yields maximum continuity of grain. Prominent characteristics will ascend or descend across the match. Tight and loose side faces alternate, which can yield a noticeable color variation. Proper finishing techniques may minimize this effect.

Slip Matching

DescriptionVisual Effect
Adjoining leaves are slipped out in sequence, with all the same-face sides being exposed. The joint may not be noticeable if grain is straight.Figure repeats but grain does not match at joints. Produces a uniform color because all faces have a similar light reflection. If grain is not exactly vertical, vertical slant may appear.

Pleasing Match

DescriptionVisual Effect
Veneers are matched by color similarity, not necessarily grain characteristics.Since no sharp color contrasts can appear at the joints, an effect between book and slip matched and random matched is achieved.

Random or Mismatch

DescriptionVisual Effect
Random selection of the arrangement of the leaves from one or more flitches. Usually done with lower grade veneers allowing knots, stains and other natural characteristics.Casual, “board-like” effect achieves mismatched or planked effect. The components may be of different width within the panel face.

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