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Read More »2023,Alert suppliers who are cooperating or negotiating business with Mexican plywood importer companies starting from W to be careful to prevent them from taking the same premeditation to refuse to pay for your plywood.
警醒正在与W开头的墨西哥胶合板进口商公司合作或者洽谈业务的供应商要谨慎,防止他们采取同样的预谋拒绝支付你的胶合板。 Alert suppliers who are cooperating or negotiating business with Mexican plywood importer companies starting from W to be careful to prevent them from taking the same premeditation to refuse to pay for your plywood. 他们一般在初次合作的时候会答应供应商常规的付款条件,报价,并给大量的采购订单。在收到货物的时候也不会进行什么质量反馈。 They generally agree to the supplier’s regular payment terms, quotations and a large number of purchase orders when they first cooperate. There will be …
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