Due Diligence System (DDS) UK Timber Regulation UKTR certified plywood suppliers

How to demonstrate compliance with UKTR requirements?

To demonstrate compliance with the UK Timber Regulation, a company needs to ensure high-quality execution of the requirements of the Regulation, including the implementation and monitoring of the Due Diligence System.
BM Certification, an accredited certification body, can review your compliance with the UK Timber Regulation and, if necessary, provide training on the requirements of the Regulation.

UK Timber Regulation aims to close the market to uncontrolled/illegal flows of timber and timber products by ensuring that the UK imports timber harvested in compliance with the laws of the country of origin.

The requirements apply to those operators and traders who work with roundwood, pulpwood and timber products, such as plywood, paper, furniture, etc. UKTR requirements affect your business depending on your position in the supply chain, as well as on the type of product you are buying/selling. The requirements apply to both operators and traders.

Operators are the first to place timber and timber products on the UK market. Their main responsibility is to carry out legality checks, minimizing the possibility of placing illegally harvested timber or timber products on the market. To ensure this process, a risk management system – Due Diligence System (DDS) – must be implemented.

Traders buy and sell timber or timber products that have already been placed on the UK market. Traders have a responsibility to ensure product traceability by maintaining and providing access to information on suppliers and customers.

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