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Degrade Plywood inspection,testing and sourcing

Degrade Plywood

Degrade plywood is an economical alternative where structural requirements are not necessary.

Degrade panels are a โ€œdownfallโ€ product from the manufacture of #1 sheathing and have defects in them that preclude them from being graded as structural sheathing under CSA standards 0121 or 0151. These defects may include: sheets off-square, out of thickness, missing edge veneer on one long edge and or short edge, core veneer laps and excessive core gaps. Panels must have a minimum of 28 square feet of useable panel surface comprising one good long and short edge.

Degrade panels do NOT allow delamination of veneer.

Degrade panels will not carry a CSA grade stamp or will have an existing stamp obliterated. These panels cannot be used in a structural application such as wall or roof sheathing but are ideal for use where cost is a factor and appearance is not.

Degrade panels are available on accumulation from the plywood mills. Typical applications for degrade can be temporary hoarding, crating, packaging, furniture components, non-structural chase wall blocking and temporary floor/ roof protection.


ThicknessWidth x Length

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