Chinese Engineered Wood & Gluelam Products inspection,testing and sourcing

Engineered Wood & Gluelam Products

Modern engineering and manufacturing techniques have taken wood construction to the next step with beams, joists , girders and headers made from wood by-products into building components that are, in many cases, stronger than traditional wood members themselves. Decades of research and field-testing have brought to the forefront  proven building solutions that also make the most out of our renewable natural resources. 

Advantages of using these engineered products include, but are not limited to, longer spans, higher loading capacities, more design flexibility and, in the case of glue-laminated timber, a combination of strength and aesthetic appeal.

Engineered wood products can take the form of I-beams and joists/ roof rafters, rim board for headers, LVL (laminated veneer lumber) for beams and headers, LVL and PSL (parallel strand lumber) for tall-wall studs, wood roof trusses and glue-laminated timbers, beams and columns.


Wood I-Joist: 2×3 Flange 9-1/2”, 11-7/8”, 14” and 2×4 Flange 9-1/2, 11-7/8”, 14”, 16”, lengths up to 40 ft

LVL (Laminated Veneer Lumber): 1-3/4” x 7-1/4”, 9-1/2”, 11-7/8”, 14” and 16”, wider on special order lengths up to 40 ft., 2.0 Modulus of Elasticity stress grade

OSB Rimboard: 12’ lengths only, 1-1/8” x 9-1/2”, 11-7/8”, 14” and 16’

Glue-Laminated Timber: most sizes of glue-lam columns and beams are made to order—bring us your sizing requirements! Gluelams can be appearance-grade Douglas fir or S-P-F.   INSERT STANDARD BEAM/COLUM SIZING HERE

Wood Truss Packages: Roof truss packages are available—forward us your plans for a quotation!

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