Birch-veneer standard quality classes
Birch-veneer standard quality classes: A QualityBeautiful, clean and white material. Applications: coating of doors, table tops and high-quality panels (IKEA class 1)AB QualityBeautiful, clean and even light material with some light “hair” allowed(erroneous beams) and closed needle branches. Areas of application: cabinet doors, various fronts and visible areas of furniture, edging, etc. (IKEA class 2)B QualityMore “hair” and needles and some color differences …
Read More »Veneer patching Produce top grade veneer and get most of any wood with industrial patching
VENEER PATCHING LINE R7 Automation level Veneer size variation Veneer thickness Capacity Area needed Read moreVENEER PATCHING LINE R5 Automation level Veneer size variation Veneer thickness Capacity Area needed Read moreVENEER PATCHER R3 Automation level Veneer size variation Veneer thickness Capacity Area needed Read more
Read More »UPGRADE VENEER QUALITY AND MAXIMIZE RECOVERY Veneer patching Produce top grade veneer and get most of any wood with industrial patching
Maximize face veneer recovery by patching with solid wood Repairing veneer by patching holes and knots is one of the most cost effective ways to improve value of end product in terms of more valuable plywood grades. There is an increasing demand for face veneer in the production of thinner panels and a decreasing amount of large-diameter logs available. Patching …
Read More »Veneer scarf-jointing Scarf-jointing maximizes production of veneer sheets
Scarf-jointing improves productivity and recovery from small diameter or curved blocks by clipping any possible defects and jointing good quality veneer sheets together. In scarf-jointing shorter veneer sheets are combined together to create sheets as long as the longer edge of the final plywood panel. Raute scarf-jointing lines give flexibility for production of any size plywood. Scarf-jointing can be used …
Read More »THE MOST ADVANCED FACE COMPOSING TECHNOLOGY ON THE MARKET Face Veneer Composing Clip out the minimum amount of quality veneer and create invisible joints. Spot even minor rots inside wood and maximize composed face veneer quality.
Increase recovery of face veneer with intelligent composing Raute face veneer composing technology is the most advanced on the market. It increases face recovery up to 20% compared to other face composing methods. It allows you to compose even small, 200mm wide strips into full size veneer sheets with invisible butt joints that maximize veneer strength and face veneer quality. Raute …
Read More »IMPROVE TOTAL VENEER RECOVERY WITH INTELLIGENT COMPOSING Core Veneer Composing Utilize randoms from veneer production to improve total recovery – compose small veneer pieces to core sheets instead of discarding them for pulp or energy.
Intelligent core veneer composing makes the most of randoms Compose randoms to core sheets for plywood production, instead of chipping them to pulp or energy. Joint small veneer pieces together in cross-grain direction to create wider veneer sheets and use these composed sheets inside the plywood panel as core sheets.โ Raute core veneer composers glue both with glue strings and …
Read More »MAXIMIZE TOTAL VENEER VOLUME BY COMPOSING Veneer composing Increase mill-scale veneer recovery – composing with intelligent defect detection and clipping.
Composing gives more core, green, and face As wood raw material is the most expensive part of production costs, even small pieces of veneer should be used to improve recovery. This is possible through proper composing that includes intelligent defect detection and clipping. Full size veneers produced in composing also increase drying efficiency. Raute has the worldโs most comprehensive composer range …
Scarf-jointing maximizes production of veneer sheets Scarf-jointing improves productivity and recovery from small diameter or curved blocks by clipping any possible defects and jointing good quality veneer sheets together. In scarf-jointing shorter veneer sheets are combined together to create sheets as long as the longer edge of the final plywood panel. Raute scarf-jointing lines give flexibility for production of any …
Read More »Advantages and Prospects of Engineered ย and Reconstituted Veneer
Advantages and Prospects of Engineered and Reconstituted Veneer Guide: Just over a decade ago, the word “Engineered and technological veneer” did not become popular in the furniture market. Now, the products used in Engineered and technological veneer have shown their skills in various fields. So, what is Engineered and technological veneer, and how much do you know about Engineered and …
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