Cabinet doors hinges Inspection Checklist, Quality Control, Sourcing,Audit in China,Vietnam,Malaysia & Asia

Cabinet Hinge Types

Hinge anatomy diagram.

Cabinet Hinge Anatomy

The parts that make up a hinge will vary in appearance for different hinge types and styles, yet they still perform the same functions. Reversible hinges may be used on either left or right-hand cabinet doors.
Frame Wing:Part of the hinge that attaches to the cabinet frame.Door Wing:Part of the hinge that attaches to the cabinet door.Knuckle:Connects the frame wing and door wing and allows rotation.Pin:Holds the hinge together.

Wrap around hinge diagram.

Wrap Around Hinges

Full Wrap-Around:Frame wing wraps three sides of the frame and screws to the inside edge. Full wrap-around hinges are no longer available in production. Partial wrap-around hinges work great as replacements.Partial Wrap-Around:Frame wing wraps two sides of the frame and screws to the edge.

Face frame hinge diagram.

Face Frame (Semi-Concealed) Hinges

The frame wing is visible when the cabinet door is closed. The door wing is concealed.

Surface mount hinge diagram.

Surface Mount Hinges

Both wings of the hinge are mounted to the outside surfaces of the cabinet door and frame.

Inset hinge diagram.

Inset Hinges

The frame wing is visible when the cabinet door is closed. The door wing is concealed and extends into the frame cavity.View Inset Hinge Options

Overlay hinge diagram.

Overlay Hinges

Frame wing wraps two sides of the frame and allows the door to overlap the frame.Learn how to measure the overlay
View Overlay Hinge Options

Reverse bevel hinge diagram.

Reverse Bevel Hinges

Frame wing wraps two sides of the frame and allows the door to overlap the frame, door wing accepts a door with the mounting edge sloping inward.View Reverse Bevel Hinge Options

Flush and full inset hinge diagram.

Flush/Full Inset Hinges

Both wings of the hinge are mounted to the inside surfaces of the cabinet door and frame, concealing both wings and leaving the knuckle exposed.View Flush/Full Inset Hinge Options

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