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(BS) EN 314-2. Plywood Bond Quality Requirements – APA

(BS) EN 314-2: 1993 (confirmed in 2013)

Plywood โ€“ Bond quality โ€“ Requirements

Orignal source

This part of the standard specifies the requirements for bonding classes of veneer plywood according to their end uses.  It lists three classes of bond quality.

Bond Class 1: Dry conditions โ€’ interior applications with no risk of wetting.

This is equivalent to a moisture content in the plywood corresponding to a temperature of 20ยฐC and a relative humidity of the surrounding air only exceeding 65% for a few weeks of the year.  As a guide, the average moisture content of most softwoods will not exceed 12%.

Bond Class 2: Humid conditions โ€’ protected exterior conditions e.g. behind cladding or under roof coverings.

This is equivalent to a moisture content in the plywood corresponding to a temperature of 20ยฐC and a relative humidity of the surrounding air only exceeding 85% for a few weeks per year.  As a guide, the average moisture content of most softwoods will not exceed 20%.

Bond Class 3: Exterior conditions โ€’ unprotected exterior conditions over sustained periods.

This is equivalent to climatic conditions leading to a higher moisture content than would be suitable for bond class 2 environments.

  • These three bonding classes relate to the Hazard Classes given in EN 335 : 2006 โ€“ Durability of wood and wood-based products โ€“ Definition of hazard classes of biological attack Part 3: Application to wood-based panels.  These, in turn match the Service Classes given in EN 1995, Eurocode 5: Design of timber structures.
  • The revised term โ€˜Use Classโ€™ is being used instead of โ€˜Hazard Classโ€™ when standards are updated.  For example, Part 1, revised in 2006, refers to โ€˜Use Classesโ€™, while Part 3, published in 1995, still uses the term โ€˜Hazard Classโ€™.

Table giving links between bond classes, durability (hazard/use classes) and service classes

 EN 636 Plywood Specification Conditions
 Dry Humid Exterior
EN 314-2 Bonding classes123
EN 335-3 Durability (hazard/use classes)123
Eurocode 5 Service classes123

Relationship between the respective bond classes and the pre-treatment conditions the samples must undergo before being subjected to shear testing ( EN 314-2 Section 4 Table 1) 

 Bond Class & equivalentAPA bond designation Pre-treatment
Bond Class 2 (protected exterior conditions)APA bond designation โ€“ Exposure 15.1.1 Immersion for 24 hours in water at 20ยฐC (ยฑ3ยฐ)5.1.2 Immersion for 6 hours in boiling water, followed by cooling in water at 20ยฐC (ยฑ3ยฐ) for at least 1 hour
Bond Class 3 (unprotected exterior conditions)APA bond designation โ€“ Exterior5.1.1 Immersion for 24 hours in water at 20ยฐC (ยฑ3ยฐ)5.1.2 Immersion for 4 hours in boiling water, then drying in a ventilated drying oven for16-20 hours at 60ยฐc (ยฑ3ยฐ), then immersion in boiling water for 4 hours followed by cooling at 20ยฐC (ยฑ3ยฐ) for at least 1 hour. 5.1.3 Immersion for 72 hours (ยฑ1) in boiling water , followed by cooling in water at 20ยฐC (ยฑ3ยฐ) for at least 1 hour

APA glue bond designation and equivalent European bond, plywood type and Eurocode 5 service class

 APABond Designation1 EN 314-2Bond Classification EN 636Plywood Type Euro code 5Service Classes
ExteriorBond Class 3EN 636-233
Exposure 12Bond Class 2EN 636-22
 APA bond designations refer to the glue line only.
 Exposure 1 panels have the same exterior adhesive as Exterior panels but due to other compositional factors, Exposure 1 panels should only be used where construction delays may be expected before the panels are protected.
 Exterior plywood can only be classified as type EN 636-3 if it is capable of withstanding repeated wetting and redrying or long term exposure to weather or other conditions of similar severity and it is composed of veneers made from a durable species or veneers which have had their biological durability enhanced to that of a durable level.  If the veneers are not durable or do not have an enhanced level of durability , but do contain a 100% water proof glue line, the plywood type classification is EN 636-2 (humid conditions).

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